[This post was originally posted on the old blog on November 23, 2013, after a conference in Paris on September 7, 2013. A more detailed account of the methodology and results can be found in the PhD thesis defended (in French) in 2015, in section III.2.3]
As part of my thesis on narrative complexity in science fiction television series, I studied the reception of television series Fringe (Fox, 2008-2013). After five seasons, the series ended on January 18, 2013. 24 hours later, I started collecting users reactions on microblogging website Tumblr. This post is an attempt to explore the required methodology to analyse Tumblr’s endless flux : I was unable to find preexisting methodologies, as too few researchers seem to care about Tumblr. We’ll start with the technicals, then I’ll briefly analyze the results. Beware, this post contains some spoilers on the series.